
除非你刚从岩石里蹦出来,或在水下做了好几周的商业潜水,否则你应该听说巴西的亚马逊热带雨林正在以灾难性的速度燃烧 […]
西尔维亚 厄尔 (Sylvia Earle)
我们有来自八个国家的优秀教师团队;八个国家只是我们的出生地,而不是我们居住过的国家哦! 我们的生活经验和价值观来自众多国家和文化。 我们带着国际培训群的专业体现,配上菲律宾人的微笑,希望给大家带来最热情专业的潜水旅程。
我们致力于环境最佳实践和保护。 我们是 GreenFins 认证,并支持赞助菲律宾海洋研究机构和薄荷动物救济项目。 我们坚信于有目的的潜水,并为潜水员提供一系列保护活动和课程,让潜水员成为我们海洋星球的倡导者。
让我们经验丰富的当地潜导带你们探索薄荷岛的海底世界,我们的潜导已在这里潜水超过十年! 我们提供全方位的PADI课程,从入门级开放水域潜水员到专业级教练培训和IDC参谋教练实习。
参观巴黎卡萨岛上的珊瑚大断层,海龟和杰克风暴;或在邦捞岛边缘的珊瑚礁上慢慢稳定地欣赏蛙鱼、海兔、和丰富多彩的珊瑚鱼。 幸运的潜水员也可能会看到优雅的鲸鲨游过。
除非你刚从岩石里蹦出来,或在水下做了好几周的商业潜水,否则你应该听说巴西的亚马逊热带雨林正在以灾难性的速度燃烧 […]
你知道吗? 世界上一共有其中海龟,在菲律宾,你可以找到其中的五种! 我们的海龟保育课程不仅仅是正常课程的内容, […]
编辑 2023 年更新:我们初次发布写这份稿子的时候是2015年。现在,奥斯陆的鲸鲨旅游不仅没有停止而且还越来 […]
“For my PADI Divemaster course, I am so happy I chose Sierra Madre divers. It was everything I was hoping for, and more. I’m most impressed with Sierra Madre’s commitment to being responsible stewards and ambassadors, not only of the local dive sites around Alona and Balicasag, but also to being ambassadors of the ocean in general.”
“Not only have I become a Rescue diver, I was having such a great time I completed 4 courses instead of my planned 2, I met some wonderful people who are passionate about the ocean, life in general, and made some solid friendships into the bargain… It’s true what they say; “It’s more fun in the Philippines!” In case you haven’t guessed, I will be going back. ”
“The reefs where we trained were beautiful! We saw a tonne of fish. It was beautiful… I would definitely recommend doing PADI courses here, great people, great health and safety (which worried me about diving in the Philippines) and a beautiful location. Also they care about the environment and marine life which is important!!”